by George Kalantzis | Jan 12, 2022 | depression, emotions, Poetry, Sentence Stems
EARTH SUIT If I’m just an earth suit passingby on this train of life andthis body is not mine thenemotions are messengers sentto guide me from darkness to light andfeelings are personalities of my soulbecause divine intelligence will unfoldwhen I love myselfbecause I...
by George Kalantzis | Sep 14, 2021 | Poetry, Sentence Stems
I took a walk in the woods to findsomething I needed to feel so I grabbed a day pack andheaded up the mountainwith no plan of attackand I walked for milesuntil I was covered by trees wheresilence set me free. I’m a different manwhen my heart meets the earth...
by George Kalantzis | Sep 8, 2021 | Poetry, Sentence Stems
He’d given up on himself and felt like he hadnothing left to give Every day he’s on the runfrom himself and who he’d become searching for meaningin something or someoneand he feels the attacksof the past while theyturn to real life and he stays upat night with tears...
by George Kalantzis | Sep 6, 2021 | Poetry, Sentence Stems
I tried to find my heart but lost it in the chase writing gave me a life raft but darkness took it awayPeople ask me how I’m doingif only they could see the black shadows following me aroundor what it’s like to fight with something...
by George Kalantzis | Sep 1, 2021 | Poetry, Sentence Stems
If You Took Off The Masks, Who Would You Be? If you knew meI wonder whatyou would see?Perhaps you would see a man who can’t make sense of a life he doesn’t understand. While his pencreates new characters in a world with his tired and loving hands.Overwhelmed by...
by George Kalantzis | Aug 30, 2021 | Poetry, Sentence Stems
You can’t be free if you don’t listen to your heart Looking down at my handssearching for freedom againevery breath and heartbeatcreate a story that frees my soullove thrives on freedomwe are never in control Now I feel heavyin a way that rattlesvoices...