Photo by Christian Wiediger on Unsplash
Monday mornings have become What if days….
Maybe it’s because I get up early to write and the entire world is fast asleep. Or perhaps it’s a way for me to connect with parts of myself that I still have yet to release.
Whatever it is, I find freedom in my words.
Today, after finishing up a section in my book about forgiveness, I could not help think what if “x” was the path to freedom?
With so much trauma of in my life, I’ve never had a chance to see past my years of anger, guilt, shame, and resentment. As a result, much of my life has been filled with toxicity deep beneath my soul that bled out slowly by harming not only myself, but those closest to me.
Taking time to think “what if” this morning allowed me to see that the real path to freedom comes from accepting all of who we are as humans. In this place of recognition comes extreme power knowing that there is only one human in control over our lives- the person in front of the mirror.
Looking at my own life has allowed me to see that much of the events that unfolded were a direct reflection of my self-hatred and shame of internal demons, I was never willing to set free.
As I wrote the question of what if “X” in my journal today, tears of acceptance came down my face because I had a new perspective on what it means to be free today.
Today I write to accept those demons so I can release their grip and finally be free.
– To Freedom,