I wrote a poetry book, but first—
It’s 4:49 am, and I find myself staring at the empty journal pages hoping to seek what bothers me. I start to write and list my fears of the unknown and how uncertain my life feels now.
I list every story and pain I have; before I know it, a wave of love washes through me as my doubt and despair disseminate into love.
I’ve noticed how recently the world seems to recycle the hurt of the chaos simply because we have forgotten who we are inside. It’s as if social media and everything else at the touch of our fingertips has forced us to be mindless drones on a phone while forgetting about all the good life has to offer.
We have forgotten how to sit with the raw and present moment to wake what brews deep within. And I wonder why we speak of all this pain when there is so much love.
Though life will always bring pain, we are all held together by one thing- love.
I, too, am guilty of this, but I know we are here on this earth to love more rather than sit in a storm created by our very doing.
That’s why I wrote Mosaic Of A Broken Heart.
I want people to unwrap the gifts of pain so they can see how much love is readily available. Each poem is a piece of love that demonstrates what is right and good within and around us despite how crazy it feels in moments of chaos.
In my new book, I propel the truth of life; that life is frightening and painful but threaded together by unlimited love.
If you are reading this, I invite you to take a few deep breaths wherever you are. Let the life force that is your breath open you up to all the possibilities.
Find stillness in your thoughts and drop into a space of love.
Let the borders drop, and see if you can find one thing that you love. Let your body sink into a space filled with sunshine and warmth because this is who you are.
Take another breath, your gift is here—
If you open your heart, there is nothing to fear.Nothing can defeat the love you have inside your heart—
Look no further; inside is who you are.
By reading this and feeling your heart, you’ll notice a sense of relief from within. Your body holds the keys to the freedoms you seek and responds to the simple act of love when you open your heart toward all possible.
It is water for your soul and tuning the frequency of life so you can become love and let the heartbreak around you move through you rather than get stuck deep within.
Remember what you love so you can create space where hope and grace can meet you in those moments of despair.
My debut poetry collection will be ready for sale on January 17th.