Photo by Martin Kníže on Unsplash
This morning I woke up and felt a sense of relief as I put my feet on the ground.
I’ve been a slave to darkness much of my adult life, so waking up with a sense of relief in the middle of a worldwide pandemic feels a bit odd.
As I sat in meditation this morning, I could not help but think about what is true for me at this current moment in time.
And while many things are true for me, the two that I feel right now are:
I am living with an open heart, and that feels scary.
I am finally not giving a fuck about what others think of me.
Now my life is armed with a new arsenal of weapons for life, and I feel fire and passion deep within.
I had always been capable, but without acceptance, my abilities didn’t matter.
I was taking hits left and right because I had no willpower to believe in myself from previous trauma.
Life is going to keep finding ways to corner us in the ring. The more I accept what is, the more I can fight my way out of the corner of the ring.
If I am, to be honest with myself, the most significant change wasn’t a single event, but rather a discovery of things that excite me again.
Silence in the morning, a warm cup of coffee, training hard, and spending time with my daughter.
I’m learning that every choice we make comes with a consequence. As we choose our path, there will be tests that inevitably invite us to fall back into what we think is familiar.
And that fucking sucks.
But we have the power to choose differently. We are the answer. All we have to do is be willing to swing one more time even when we feel like our backs are cornered in the ring of life.