Photo by Cherry Laithang on Unsplash
Here is a poem I wrote on darkness for a friend who was going through challenging times, and it is something I believe we can all relate to as we find ways to surrender to darkness so we can find a beam of hope within.
Darkness has come, and I do not know why,
I walk with him as he hears my cry
Where we will go, I ask as he turns to me and points into the unknown
We talk together , no map or guide shines where he points
I’m scared to enter , but I must not resist
It’s okay darkness says to me , as we step towards what I fear exists
I fear everything as I walk into the into the unknown
Darkness will always wait for me in this inaccessible land
He’s come to teach me . To accept that death and darkness isn’t the end, but a beautiful celebration of life while he takes my hand
I hold the hand of darkness not knowing what comes next,
I am not afraid anymore , as my soul is here with this text
– Together in darkness