Photo by Kat Yukawa on Unsplash
I was listening to Allan Watts on a lecture to his students about finding their purpose in life after college.
He said, “How would we enjoy spending life if money was not an object? Many of his students came up with a list of things they wanted to do, but they were worried because of money.
His response, forget the money.
It’s such an easy question to ponder, but we really can not grasp the concept as humans today.
Because many of us, I am included, chase a dream we do not want to live. We spend a life wasting our time doing things we don’t like doing to make money.
For years, I chased happiness. I thought success was achieved by hitting certain milestones and obtaining materialistic things. Many of the times, I had all of these things but was empty inside.
It took hitting rock bottom and losing everything to realize it is better to live a short life that is full of passion than a life spent miserably.
So what if we all did something we truly loved?
How would that change our lives? How would that influence the world?
A concept I am leaning into as I write every day from a place of passion.
It’s no different than seeing my four-year-old daughter use her imagination to create things in her world that makes her happy because she doesn’t understand or know money as an object.
So I am learning that writers write. It doesn’t matter what the outcome is because it is the art of writing every day that makes writing enjoyable.
After all, the only way to become a master of your craft is to be fully present with it. So, every day I wake up, I find myself asking the question, “what do I desire?”