Photo by Fervent Jan on Unsplash
Bruce Lee said” I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times.
As I sat down for meditation this morning, I could not help but notice thoughts and images from the Marine Corps that reminded me of my path.
I’ve been a stubborn man my entire life, and much of who I am today can be credited to the fact that I always wanted to prove to people I had what it took to be the best. Funny how that works isn’t it? We want to become “x” to get “y”, and in the end losing ourselves further in the process.
This morning’s revelation reminded me that anything worth having in life requires mastery of the basics. If you want to get ahead in life, focus on mastering yourself, the basics, and become what you seek.
I see this as a father and in teaching my little girl to have patience and consistency.
I use this approach with my clients.
Yet, when it comes to my own life, I tend to get focused on the outcome rather than the process.
I’ve overcome rejection plenty of times in life, but this time around, I realized all of the rejections in life were due to my ego. I thought seeking out more would make me the best, in the end, I lost sight of what was in front of me the entire time.
Bruce Lee’s quote could not prove anymore true to life.
If I want to be a better writer, I only need to write every day, it does not matter the outcome.
If I want to have improved wellness, I have to sleep, stay hydrated and train hard daily.
If I want to have better relationships, I need to master the basic art of communication.
When we shift our control to mastering the basics, we become what we seek, and begin to enjoy the process. And that is a powerful place to be in life.
– George