I’ve been reading a lot more books with my four-year-old daughter.
One book that has become a favorite of hers is Oh, The Places You’ll Go By Dr. Seuss.
It’s an interesting book during these times because Oh, The Places You’ll Go reminds us that much of our lives will be filled with lurches, slumps, waiting places, and sky highs.
We all know this journey well, but as we get caught up in the chase of life, we tend to forget about all the things in between and miss out on many of the opportunities in front of us.
Oh, The Places You’ll Go reminds me that we are all meant to experience amazing things as humans, we just need to have the courage to start trusting our paths.
Life is a constant reminder to live more and to feel more.
We all have a brain in our head and shoes on our feet to take us wherever we want to go, we just have to be willing to accept that sometimes those places we go will be dark and lonely and other times they will be filled with great heights.
No matter where we are, Dr. Seuss teaches us that we are all alive and indeed very much going places.
How we decide to accept that journey, is up to us as individuals.