Photo by Tom Pumford on Unsplash
This entry, like all my other journal entires, is exactly how I feel, and today I want to remind myself that it is okay, to be not okay.
If I am to write about mastering the art of tough transitions, I might as well be transparent with whoever reads this journal entry.
I thought life was turning around for me after a tough divorce, and now, with the Corona Virus impacting the world, I find myself a bit apprehensive and challenged.
We are all amazing humans, doing the best we can at any given situation, and right now it is important to feel what you feel. It doesn’t make you less of a human if you are stressed, afraid, scared, or anything else.
When I was going through my darkest times, my mentor told me that the world would not permit me to be my authentic self until I discovered how to set myself free. And that first started with admitting to myself that I was feeling all sorts of anger, sadness, and guilt from my life.
I think back to last year, and how far I’ve come. In this process, I have realized that I am on this planet to connect, love, and lead, but only if I had an act of courage to step into the unknown.
Like many of you, I have no clue what is coming ahead. But if I am willing to step into the invitation life has given to me, then my words are a place to hold space and speak the truth for anyone else going through life’s toughest transitions.
Remember this principle when something threatens to cause you pain: the thing itself was no misfortune at all; to endure it and prevail is great good fortune.” — Marcus Aurelius
Courage is what we all need right now. Courage to stand together. Courage to speak our hearts.
Stay Strong- George