Photo by Alexis Fauvet on Unsplash
When I found my love for writing, it came from an unexpected time in life.
I had everything I wished for. A beautiful wife, healthy daughter, a great career, until one day the perfect life I worked so hard for was falling apart.
Funny how that works, the universe seems to offer us valuable lessons and insights to change, especially during our darkest times.They say it is easy to lose ourselves after the end of a traumatic life change. We tend to focus on all of the bad things that happened and compare ourselves to others in the process making us feel empty inside.
But, as I write my upcoming book and work on diving deep into the depths of my soul and heart to relive parts of my life that allow me to recognize patterns, I’ve begun to see a pattern that I think many of us also repeat.
What if in the chase of life, we negotiated too much?
As I look back, I’ve negotiated my happiness at the expense of what I thought happiness was. In that process, I negotiated money, love, and health. It’s no wonder why I was addicted to the chase. I was powerless because I had no clue what I really wanted, or who I was as a man
After I left the Marines, I never gave myself a chance to take a step back and get to know myself. I rushed into life full force, and everything in my life became a compromise.
It’s like I kept searching for something to validate my choices in life and never found what made me happy.
I’m not here to say I have life all figured out, but I can honestly say that hitting rock bottom has given me a chance to face the man in the mirror and have an honest conversation with him.
And it is here, where I am careful in what I wish for and have begun to enjoy the journey rather than focus on the destination.