Photo by Ran Berkovich on Unsplash
I finished a section of my upcoming book about stepping into a version of our optimal selves.
What I’ve learned through many hardships is that there are moments in life where we are called to do extraordinary things as humans. Often, those moments come when we least expect them.
A divorce, the loss of a loved one, unexpected job loss, or in our current scenario, a worldwide virus-like COVID-19.
Tough transitions in life are where we get to step into the version of our optimal selves.
Seems ridiculous right? How could tough transitions in life call us to do extraordinary things when they are difficult to face?
In my journey of self-growth and individualization, I have found we all have a set of beliefs that inevitably push our backs against the ring of life before we even get a chance to defend ourselves.
And most of the time, we don’t even know our backs are against the wall until one day we come out swinging with haymakers. It is here where we realize that the very thing we thought we should be doing caused us to get cornered in the ring of life.
During tough transitions, most of us will stick to what is familiar because it is comfortable. And that is okay, if we want to be comfortable. But if we want to truly reveal versions of our optimal self, then we need to take a look at our belief systems that are driving our lives.
This morning I sat and asked myself ” what in my life feels heavy right now? ” ” what does not feel aligned with who I am as a man?” Are there people in my life that keep preventing me from becoming my optimal self?”
These questions were tough to answer, but they gave me some clarity during this tough transition of life.
I am responsible for my own life, and if I find my back against the corner in the ring of life it’s because I was being pushed by fear rather than courage to stand up for what I believe in.
I would love to say that becoming your optimal self is easy, but that would be going against what I stand for. Instead, I’m writing today’s revelation to say that the shifts in life I am experiencing are to remind myself that I deserve to be my optimal self ,and so do you.
– Stay Strong George