I write.

Books, copy, whatever pays the bills and keeps the coffee flowing.

You’ve got ideas? Great. Everyone’s got ideas.

I’m the guy who turns them into something worth reading.

Whether it’s a novel that’ll keep you up at night or copy that’ll make your customers reach for their wallets, I deliver.

Just hard-hitting COPY that gets the job done.

I’ve been stringing words together since 1984.

Some people call it talent.

I call it a good way to avoid a real job.

Author. Copywriter.

Professional bullshit translator.

Want words that work? Let’s talk.

Just don’t expect me to sugarcoat it.


2019 rolled in and flipped my world upside down.

Suddenly, I was a single dad, trying to keep it all together with nothing but bedtime stories and sheer willpower. Divorce hit my daughter hard, just like it hit me when I was a kid.

It’s a confusing mess and leaves you feeling lost and broken.

So, my daughter and I started a little ritual. Every night, we told stories, turning them into our therapy sessions. She’d share her feelings, and I’d try to understand her world a bit better.

We were both hurting, and this story helped us cope.

From those nights, “Mia and Her Twin Castles” was born.

This isn’t just a book . It’s for kids caught in the chaos of divorce, kids who feel like they’re drowning in the back-and-forth and endless arguments. It’s for kids who don’t have a stable family to lean on, who feel completely alone.

This book is our way of saying, “You’re not alone.”


Life’s a Bitch, Then You Grow

Look, life’s not a straight line. It’s more like a drunken stumble through a minefield of existential crises.

George Kalantzis gets it. He’s been there, done that, and probably set the T-shirt on fire.

This book isn’t about finding your inner child or hugging trees. It’s about dragging yourself through life’s shit-storms and coming out the other side without losing your mind (or your sense of humor).

Through stories that’ll make you laugh, cringe, and maybe cry (no judgment), George shows you how to:

  • Stop being an asshole to yourself
  • Rewrite your mental bullshit
  • Embrace your inner weirdo
  • Tell fear to go fuck itself

No unicorns or rainbow-crapping butterflies here. Just raw, honest advice for when life decides to use you as its personal punching bag.

Warning: May cause sudden outbursts of self-acceptance and the urge to live your best life. Side effects include decreased tolerance for bullshit and increased awesomeness.

Read at your own risk.

Your comfort zone will hate you for it.

Mosaic of a Broken Heart: Because Love’s a Beautiful Disaster

In his debut poetry collection, George Kalantzis rips open his chest and spills his guts all over the page. It ain’t pretty, but then again, neither is love.

From the intoxicating high of first kisses to the soul-crushing lows of betrayal, George serves up love in all its messy glory. Inspired by his own dance with divorce (spoiler alert: the marriage doesn’t make it), he dishes out bite-sized nuggets of wisdom that’ll hit you right in the feels.

This isn’t your grandma’s poetry book. It’s raw. It’s real. It’s like a literary shot of whiskey – burns going down, but damn if it doesn’t make you feel alive.

Fair warning: Side effects may include unexpected bouts of hope and the dangerous urge to keep your heart open. Read at your own risk.

For anyone who’s ever loved, lost, or told Cupid to go screw himself.

Guaranteed to leave a mark. On your bookshelf and your soul.

Ditch the fluff & Grab a coffee.
Make it black. I’m not here to sweeten your morning, I’m here to set it on fucking fire.